Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Once upon a time....

Approximately a decade ago I sat in front of my computer for hours, a couple of minutes, so excited to come up with a very crafty little handle that would become my hotmail for life.  The best I could come up with was "themama23."  If there was one thing I knew, I was 'the mama to three' wonderful little girls.  If there was a second thing I knew, I was done having children. There would be no more little McIntoshes in the world compliments of me and the hubs.
Now I find myself in a predicament... we are adopting again.  Seems God knew better than me, funny how that sometimes, always happens.  Hopefully 2012 will be the year Michael and I will become parents again and our girls will have a little brother. I decided to start this blog to keep family and friends up to date on how the process works here in FL and where we are in the process. If you can hang on while I figure out blogging I'll try to add links to a few adoption related sites.  I don't promise daily updates because unfortunately the road to adoption is a lot of waiting with not much happening.
By the way 11 year old R was the first to point out the error in my email name... she's going to be such a blessing as a teenager. :-)

For now I have tried to attach a link to Michael speaking at church which gives a very quick overview of how we came to the decision to adopt again.

November was national adoption awareness month. Michael spoke briefly at church about our adoption experience and how we came to decide to adopt again at this time.


  1. I look forward to ALL updates!

    Grammy Susan

  2. What a lucky child to be adopted by such a great family..

  3. Hey Mike and Billie,
    I found you via Terry's link on FB. Just listened to Mike speaking at your church. Wow!! That was really quite amazing! Your sensitivity to God and to people [children] in need is inspiring. You guys are a special couple (and family) and have so much to offer a child.
    If you're ever in Halifax, look us up!
